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Theatre Reviews

In this one-man show, Mar­tin Dock­ery reveals his desire to get away and trav­el as far away as he can. He heads to Africa to trav­el through the Sahara Desert, mix­ing in sto­ries from his past, rela­tion­ships, and anec­dotes. As usu­al, Dock­ery is an ani­mat­ed, ener­getic sto­ry­teller who cap­ti­vates the audi­ences’ atten­tion. This tale is more focused and lin­ear then some of his oth­er Fringe shows, mak­ing it easy to fol­low and get­ting caught up in the adven­ture. A fast paced show that is both inter­est­ing and fun­ny, this show is worth check­ing out.

Venue 10 — Plan­e­tar­i­um Audi­to­ri­um
Audi­ence Clas­si­fi­ca­tion: Parental Guid­ance
Warn­ings: None
Length: 60 Min­utes
Tick­ets: $12