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West End Dumplings: The Radio Edition

Seg­ment One: Today is World AIDS Day

The first World AIDS Day was held in 1988. For Unit­ed Nation’s 2012 sta­tis­tics on the HIV / AIDS epi­dem­ic. For the lat­est sta­tis­tics from Man­i­to­ba.

The U of M and some Man­i­to­ba-based physi­cians were on the front lines in Kenya in the ear­ly 1980s, Portage la Prairie’s Dr. Alan Ronald and Win­nipeg’s Dr. Frank Plum­mer to name just two. The U of M still has research fac­ul­ties in Nairo­bi — take a tour here !

Seg­ment Two: Archi­tec­ture

A cou­ple of Win­nipeg build­ings have sig­nif­i­cant anniver­saries next week includ­ing Tec Voc High School, which opened Decem­ber 3, 1951 and the for­mer Sal­va­tion Army Citadel on Colony Street in 1961

We are joined in-stu­dio by Susan Algie from the Win­nipeg Archi­tec­ture Foun­da­tion to talk about upcom­ing events and ini­tia­tives.

Seg­ment Three: Crime and Pol­i­tics

The infa­mous Bloody Jack Kraw­chenko pulls his last bank rob­bery in Plum Coulée, Man­i­to­ba on Decem­ber 3, 1913. A botched dia­mond heist at Porte and Markle on Portage Avenue leads to the arrest of a gang of noto­ri­ous North Amer­i­can jew­el thieves.

Women fea­ture big in Man­i­to­ba’s polit­i­cal his­to­ry next week as Audrey McLaugh­lan is elect­ed the first woman to lead a Cana­di­an fed­er­al polit­i­cal par­ty at the NDP’s con­ven­tion in Win­nipeg on Decem­ber 2 1989. Turn the clock back to 1921 and Jessie Kirk is the first woman elect­ed to Win­nipeg’s city coun­cil.

Seg­ment Four: BIG Art and Show­biz

In BIG art anniver­saries… First World War II Sol­dier is unveiled at Portage and Main. The sec­ond por­trait of the Queen is unveiled in the old Win­nipeg Are­na on Decem­ber 7, 1979. Artist Gior­gio Barone dies. He was respon­si­ble for many of the town mas­cots around the province includ­ing the Bois­se­vain Tur­tle, Transcona’s Hi Neigh­bour Sam and Gim­li’s Viking.

Three notable actors were born next week in Man­i­to­ba his­to­ry. Don­ald Woods, born Ralph Zink in Bran­don in 1904. Don­nel­ly Rhodes, of Soap and DaVin­ci’s Inquest fame, in Win­nipeg in 1937. Win­nipeg’s Sweet­heart” Dean­na Durbin was born in Win­nipeg on Decem­ber 4 1922. She went on to become Hol­ly­wood’s high­est paid star in the late 1930s and ear­ly 1940s until she sud­den­ly retired for a life of seclu­sion in France.
Artist Song Album
Paula Cole w/ Peter Gabriel Hush, Hush, Hush
Greg MacPherson L C Bankrobber Bankrobber
Deanna Durbin L C Always
Deanna Durbin & Judy Garland Americana