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Part 1: Who Buys A News­pa­per Chain In 2017? …The Chron­i­cle Her­ald’s Mark Lever, that’s who. After plead­ing pover­ty for near­ly 16 months while his reporters, edi­tors, and pho­tog­ra­phers are strike, he came up with the bucks to buy 28 Atlantic Cana­di­an news­pa­pers from the floun­der­ing Transcon­ti­nen­tal chain. This gives his com­pa­ny an effec­tive monop­oly in Nova Sco­tia, New­found­land and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island. We speak with long-time Nova Sco­tia jour­nal­ists (and for­mer Transcon­ti­nen­tal reporters) Stephen Kim­ber and Park­er Don­ham about the ratio­nale behind the pur­chase and whether this ben­e­fits news con­sumers in Atlantic Cana­da. Part 2: Trump V. Milk The scan­dals con­tin­ue pil­ing up on B.C. Pre­mier Christy Clark’s admin­is­tra­tion, yet it does­n’t seem to be get­ting a ton of press. Maybe that’s because so many of them are now work­ing for her par­ty. Mean­while, south of the bor­der, Pres­i­dent Trump no longer wants to tweak’ NAF­TA, but would rather stick it to our cows. Our pre­cious, pre­cious cows. The Nation­al Observer’s Sandy Garossi­no joins Jesse.